Legal notice
This website is owned and maintained by:
Christelle Rousselle, individual entrepreneur, working under the trade name Christelle Rousselle
SIREN: 502 856 164
Business address: 25 hameau des moissons 62217 Beaurains – FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)6 59 83 70 37 / +33 (0)9 88 32 61 90
This website was created by Christelle Rousselle.
It is hosted by:
222 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Phone: +33 (0)4 44 44 60 40
The owner of the site is responsible for the content on its pages with the exception of external links.
Terms and conditions
The site is designed and managed by Christelle Rousselle. It is intended for personal use only and no commercial use can be made of any or all of the information on this site.
The elements contained on the site remain the property of Christelle Rousselle even once downloaded.
The site may contain links to other sites managed by third parties. Christelle Rousselle is responsible for the content of her website but does not accept any liability or responsibility for any third party websites that can be accessed through her own website or for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of them. The fact of proposing links does not entail any obligation to Christelle Rousselle, who has no means of controlling third-party sites.
The user guarantees that he/she will not use for illicit purposes and undertakes to comply with all national and international laws and regulations.
The user will be solely responsible for any damage caused to Christelle Rousselle or third parties as a result of improper use of In case of violation by the user of his/her legal and contractual obligations, Christelle Rousselle reserves the right to take legal action to stop the violation in question and to seek damages.